Co-founder Katie Massie-Taylor talks Mush to us: how the app for making mum friends came about and how it is helping to combat loneliness
It was a rainy November day in a playground when a chance meeting changed my life. I had just returned from living in New York and had my second gorgeous little girl, but wow was it a struggle to manage 2 under 2 every day and wow, did I feel lonely in a new house in London. I used to look through kitchen windows as I walked past them, hoping someone would invite me in for a cuppa…!
Sarah was the girl in question who wandered over and in a hazy, sleep deprived mumble asked ‘did I come here often?’ She didn’t really, but it was essentially a chat up line. We lived a few streets apart, had kids the same age and spent the following three months hanging out together, every day.
It was during this time that we kept hearing the same story from other mums; they were struggling to transition to this full-time maternity-leave, stay-home-without-mum-mates, situation too. We started thinking about whether in a world full of dating apps and platforms connecting people, was there a place for a platform to connect mums in the same way?
The idea of Mush was born, and cobbling together a tech team (and early investment) we launched Mush in April 2016 to a digital round of applause in the form of sign ups around the country (and beyond). Mums could suddenly, at the click of a few buttons, see and message other mums nearby to organise meet-ups! It was a revolution, and we spent a year catching up with demand and ironing out (plenty of) bugs.
Since then, Mush has attracted hundreds of thousands of users and has become the number one app for new mums in the UK and Australia. We have worked with the Duchess of Cambridge and the Heads Together charity to raise awareness of loneliness and published a book, The Mumsition, a ‘friendly companion to the first year of motherhood’. The app has grown up too, with new features around shared interests, free meet-ups (and coffee!) and brilliant articles. We always listen to what mums want, and have a huge list of exciting things coming up.
We are driven at Mush to make mums feel supported, capable and connected, and we are delighted to already be making a difference to so many mums. So if you know anyone who wants to be more connected to mums and mum events locally, please tell her she’s not alone!
Cheeky Chompers say:
We think Mush is a must for all mums! Your maternity leave should a special time in your life, but the reality of it can often feel different. Mush offers the chance to find local groups and build a network of real friends around you, as well as lots of useful (and hilarious) advice on mum ‘stuff’, guaranteed to make you smile, even on the harder days!
You can download Mush free from the App Stores.