Check out our answers to your common teething questions for top tips and a little inspiration. Although it can feel like teething is never-ending, we can assure you that it does get better!
When does teething start?
Teething tends to kick off when your baby is around six months old. However, it can start anytime between 3 and 12 months of age.
What are the main symptoms?
The gums can become inflamed, red and painful as the teeth start to push through. Your baby’s cheeks may appear to be flushed and they are likely to be drooling and dribbling. It is common for your baby to go off their food and they may be restless in the night or out of sorts when they are awake in the day.
What can I do to help soothe my baby’s teeth?
You can rub your baby’s gums with a clean finger to relieve some of their pain. Keeping the affected area cool will help with the use of a cold cloth or a teething ring. You can apply some teething gel to our Neckerchews and gently apply some pressure to the gum to provide instant relief. Some hard food for them to chew on may help, especially if it is cold. Try cold cucumber or carrot sticks.
Infant paracetamol is often a parent’s best friend throughout the teething stage. Teething is often worse at night when babies are lying flat due to the pressure. Elevating them slightly, lots of cuddles and gentle rocking will certainly help!
Which teeth come in first?
The first teeth to pop up are usually the two bottom front teeth (central incisors), followed by the four upper teeth (central and lateral incisors). However, every baby is unique so we have created a detailed teething chart (insert link to teething chart blog) which has estimated arrival times for each tooth. We hope you find this helpful.
How long does teething last for?
Yes, it can feel like an eternity but we promise it does end! By the time your little ‘cheeky chomper’ is 2 to 3 years old, they’ll have their full set of 20 primary teeth, also known as baby teeth.
Is refusing to eat common during teething?
Yes and this may be due to the pain of newly emerging teeth rather than a dislike of the food itself. The gums will be tender and sore during this stage and your baby may look for something apart from food to ease this pain. If you have had wisdom teeth removed or tonsillitis you will remember how uncomfortable it can be to eat.
Don't worry about your baby’s temporary loss of appetite. It is entirely normal and should return soon enough. If you are concerned ask your GP for advice.
Is diarrhoea a teething symptom?
Some people think that teething causes diarrhoea but there's no firm evidence to support this. It is thought that the acid in the excess saliva and drooling can cause diarrhoea, however we would advise that you get this checked out by a GP if it lasts more than 24 hours to avoid your baby becoming dehydrated.
Which teeth are the most painful when cutting through the gums?
Some babies are affected by teething more than others. Many babies struggle when the molars and the canines break through.
Our little ones really struggled with their back teeth, which inspired us to create the Neckerchew which helps to reach the back of the mouth to soothe those hard to reach places.
When should I worry if the teeth are not showing?
Some babies may not see their first tooth until around 12 months so don't worry. Every baby is different.
What are milk teeth?
Milk teeth or baby teeth are the first teeth we get which are quite fragile compared to the next set of adult teeth. Milk teeth are just as important as they help your baby to chew food and aid with their speech development as well.
Is ear tugging a sign of teething?
It can be yes. It can also be a sign of an ear infection, so look out for a fever and check your baby’s temperature. Ear tugging can also be a symptom of tiredness.
When should my baby go to the dentist for the first time?
When your baby turns 1 can be a good time to make an appointment. This is primarily to get them used to going to the dentist and keeping their teeth clean.
When should I start cleaning my baby’s teeth?
It is a great idea to do this as soon as possible, ideally when you see the first tooth come through. This will help to establish good habits. Your baby will be too little to do this themselves. Use a child sized toothbrush or a baby finger brush and squeeze a small amount of baby toothpaste onto the brush. Most supermarkets and chemists will sell the baby brushes and paste. Your dentist will also give you some after the first visit.
You can gently brush the teeth with your baby on your knee. Once they get bigger, it is good to encourage them to hold the toothbrush on their own. Where possible, do this in the morning and at night as part of the bedtime routine.
As parents, teething is something that we all have to watch our babies endure. Some of us (babies and parents) find it more challenging than others and we are here to help. We hope you have found this post useful.
Please feel free to provide your top teething tips below. We would love to hear them!
Love Amy and Julie x