Parents and carers often wonder at what age baby teeth come in. In this blog we talk about which teeth to expect and when.
Teething tends to kick off when your baby is around 6 months old. However, it can start anytime between 3 and 12 months of age.
The first tooth likely to pop through is the lower central incisor at around 6-10 months. This cheeky teething chart shows you an idea of which teeth to expect and when!
But keep in mind that every baby is different and the order in which teeth come in can vary.
Chart your teething journey - Print this chart and you can add your baby's teething milestones.
Which Tooth First?
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• A full set of baby teeth is 20
• Your little one will have their full set of teeth at 3 years old
• Six months is the average age a baby starts teething
• Some babies start teething in the womb!
When your baby gets their first teeth through it’s such a cute milestone!
Don’t forget to take photos with a special milestone cards to mark the occasion.
The milk set of teeth have many important functions such as chewing, speech, appearance and keeping space for adult teeth.
Have a look at our 7 tips to look after baby teeth from the very start.